
Being Between

William Desmond


€12.00 (bog), 96 lch; ISBN 978-0-898332-35-3

Dírbheathaisnéis intleachtúil an údair is ea an aiste seo, agus páipéar taighde atá mar chuid de shraith a choimisiúnaigh Ionad an Léinn Éireannaigh in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, chun smaointeoireacht nua ó scoláirí aitheanta a chur faoi bhráid an phobail.

"This idea of being in the middle or 'being between', of moving between different sets of extremities — between countries (Ireland and America), between religion and science, between philosophy and poetry, between knowledge and perplexity, between the particulars of reality and the universals of thought, between receding youth and approaching age — is a constant motif throughout his work." — Thomas Duddy, NUIG.