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Daithí Ó Muirí
Daithí Ó Muirí is a writer of fiction in the Irish language. He was born in County Monaghan but now lives in the Cois Fharraige district of Connemara.
He has published four collections of short stories and a longer work called Ré (Epoch). His collection Cogaí (Wars) won an important literary prize in 2001 in the Cló Iar-Chonnacht Literary Award Competition. The adjudicators referred to the savagery and vitality of the writing.
His work has been praised for its assured and engaging style and its surrealistic atmosphere. Refering to his first collection, Seacht Lá na Díleann the Oireachtas adjudicators wrote:
“Tá stíl shiúráilte scríbhneoireachta ag rith leis na scéalta seo… éirim éigin síúil, neamhshaolta, fíormhealltach iontu… agus draíocht áirithe leo a thug ar shiúl mé.”