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An Ghaeilge sa Dlí
An Ghaeilge sa Dlí: 280 pp; paperback; 978 1 909907 8 43 This book discusses the status of Irish under the Constitution, in case law, and in EU law — both historically and at present. It covers planning law and language planning, education, broadcasting, the public service, the Gaeltacht, the Houses of the Oireachtas and the Courts. The Official Languages Act is comprehensively discussed and amendments are proposed based on best practice in Canada and in continental Europe.
A textbook accessible to the general reader
This specialised text-book is suitable for students and legal practitioners and is written to be accessible to the general reader who is interested in the fortunes of Irish. More information:
“It is my hope that readers of this textbook, in particular the new generation of solicitors and barristers concerned for the Irish language, gain its full benefit.” — Seán Ó Cuirreáin, Official Languages Commissioner 2004-2014
“Ní minic saothair theicniúla ar liostaí den chineál seo ach seo sárfhoilseachán arbh fhiú mionstaidéar a dhéanamh air. Téacsleabhar toirtiúil é (18 caibidil + aguisíní) a mhíníonn seasamh oifigiúil na Gaeilge faoin mBunreacht go cuimsitheach. Déantar breithiúnais agus cinntí cúirte a mheá go tomhaiste freisin agus baintear brí as fasaigh ar shlí shothuigthe agus iontaofa. Is éachtach an lear eolais agus anailíse atá curtha i ndiaidh a chéile go stuama soiléir ag Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh i bpáirt leis an eagarthóir comhairleach, Séamus Ó Tuathail AS.” — Dónall Ó Braonáin,
Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh B.A., M.A., LL.B., is a practising barrister in both civil and criminal law. He has written on a wide rage of legal topics both in Irish and English. He is the Law and Irish Coordinator at the Honorable Society of King’s Inns, where he administers advanced diploma courses in lawyer-linguistics (for employment with EU institutions), legal translation and legal practice through Irish.
Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh’s Page:
“Tá éacht déanta ag an abhcóide Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh … Ní amháin gur leabhar dlí é seo ach leabhar spreagúil is ea é ina bhfuil an tírghrá fite fuaite sna tagairtí agus san anailís. Is leabhar misniúil é a thagraíonn do cad é is féidir a bhaint amach don Ghaeilge.” — Cormac Ó Dúlacháin, Comhar.
Read the table of contents and excerpt from an Ghaeilge sa Dlí.
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