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Leabhar Breac Óige
Alan Titley€12.00San eachtra scleondrach corraitheach seo, éalaíonn ógánach ar bord loinge agus téann thar farraige siar sa tóir ar ór El Dorado. Arís eile, cruthaíonn Titley a shárchumas scéalaíochta,...
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Éanna Corr
Antain Mac Lochlainn€12.00Éanna Corr is a novel for teenagers, a novel that takes a look at today's life, at loneliness, at bullying, and at the courage that is needed to...
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Cuairt San Nioclás
Clement Clarke Moore€18.00Cuairt San Nioclás (A Visit from Saint Nicholas), was composed 200 years ago. The poem, also known as 'Twas the Night Before Christmas', has been called "arguably the...
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An Nollaig Thuas
Aoife Ní Dhufaigh€7.50An Nollaig Thuas: Luisne is a young fairy who lives in the fairy fort of Lios Lurgain in the World of the Sí. As she learns about the...
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Cloch na Gréine
Jacqueline de Brún€9.00Cloch na Gréine: In Baile an Chnoic there is a stone with a mysterious inscription, Cloch na Gréine. No-one pays any notice to it until a series of...
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Eachtra ar Oileán na Rún
Brian Ó Broin€9.00A quiet summer in Ireland? Not a hope! One of the country's most precious treasures has been stolen from the National Museum and a chalice has gone missing...
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Bruno Heitz€7.50It's a long way to the Camargue. It's in the very south of France. But Cáitín will do anything to find her old friend, Feirdí. She's even prepared...
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Seal le Sorcas
Bruno Heitz€7.50Seal le Sorcas: Cáitín has a bad cold and Dr Broc says there's only one cure: healthy mountain air. But how will she get to the mountains? The...
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Preab san Aer
Bruno Heitz€7.50Preab san Aer: Cáitín goes to see an art exhibition. Poor Cáitín is exhausted. She stretyches out for a snooze in one of the exhibits. But she is...
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An Mac Tíre a Chuaigh go Tóin na Farraige
Orianne Lallemand€7.5032 pp; hardboard cover; ISBN 978-1-911363-26-2 There once was a wolf who was very fond of the sea. He loved the ships who sailed on the sea and...
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An Mac Tíre a Bhí ina Shár-Laoch
Orianne Lallemand€7.50There once was a wolf who looked in the mirror one day and decided he would be a Super-Hero. “It will be great,” Mac Tíre said to himself,...
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Macán ag ithe a Dhinnéir
Orianne Lallemand€6.00Macán is a little wolf. Sometimes, he misbehaves, but he really is a good little wolf. He is learning from life from his Daddy and Mammy. In this...
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Na Gamail
Roald Dahl€9.00The Twits is one of Roald Dahl's most popular children's books. Roald Dahl's The Twits tells the tale of a pair of horrible twits and the tricks they...
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Na Cailleacha
Roald Dahl€12.00Witches absolutely detest children. To a witch, a child smells like dogs' droppings. And now the Grand High Witch is planning to get rid of every child in...
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Danny Seaimpín an Domhain
Roald Dahl€9.00Danny, the Champion of the World is a 1975 is one of Roald Dahl's most popular children's books. The story is about Danny, a young boy, and his...
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Macán agus an Gobán
Orianne Lallemand€6.00Macán is a little wolf. Sometimes, he misbehaves, but he really is a good little wolf. He is learning from life from his Daddy and Mammy. In this...
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Macán ag Obair sa Ghairdín
Orianne Lallemand€6.00Macán is working in the garden with Daddy today. He is raking and digging and planting seeds. He can't wait to see the plants growing. But he must...
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Macán agus an Leanbh Nua
Orianne Lallemand€6.00Mummy and Daddy have news for Macán: he'll soon be a big brother! But Macán is worried. When the new baby arrives will Mummy and Daddy have time...
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Macán ag Roinnt lena Chairde
Orianne Lallemand€6.00Today, Macán's cousin has come to play with him. They will have great fun! But when Macán is asked to share his toys he isn't very happy! A...
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Charlie agus Monarcha na Seacláide
Roald Dahl€12.00Nobody has seen Willy Wonka - or inside his amazing chocolate factory - for years. When he announces plans to invite the winners of five Golden Tickets hidden...
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Ar Cosa in Airde
Marc Cantin€7.50Níotú ran and jumped up on Pítsí’s back, and caught hold of his mane. The poney threw Níotú on his belly on the ground. ‘Ha! Ha! said Pacó....
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Púca sa Teach
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Jeaic has a pet dog. called Lúlú. Lúlú is always trying to get into the house, and Mamaí is always shooing him out again. If that isn't bad...
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An Mac Tíre a Thaistil an Domhan
Orianne Lallemand€7.50There once was a wolf who was very bored. One day, Mac Tíre decided to go travelling. He visited many towns and countries across the world, and he...
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Ag Imeacht le Sruth
Marc Cantin€7.50Without his father’s permission, Níotú goes playing in a canoe in the river. Before long the canoe carries him away in the current. How will the little Indian...
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Camchuairt Ghuilivéir
Jonathan Swift€7.50After a shipwreck, Guilivéar is cast ashore on an island inhabited by little people. As soon as the little people get used to Guilivéar’s enormous size they ask him to help...
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Don Cíochótae
Miguel de Cervantes€7.50Don Quixote is an old man who has read so many books about knights and chivalry that he thinks he is a knight himself. Along with his servant...
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Mary W. Shelley€7.50The scientist Victor Frankenstein is looking for the secret of life. He creates a big ugly monster, but the monster frightens him and Victor runs away. The monster...
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Romeo agus Juliet
William Shakespeare€7.50In this beautiful picture-book in the ‘Clasaicí Beaga Bídeacha’ series, one of Europe’s great classics is retold in Irish. Long ago, in the city of Verona in Italy, lived Romeo...
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Oileán an Órchiste (Beag)
Robert Louis Stevenson€7.50Jim Hawkins comes upon a map of an island where a secret treasure is hidden. Jim and his friends go to sea in search of the treasure —...
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An Odaisé
Hóiméar€7.50Over two thousand years ago the great warrior Ullyses fought at the Siege of Troy. When that awful war came to an end, he sailed off across the...
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An tSióg Mhallaithe
Aoife Ní Dhufaigh€7.50Luisne is a young fairy who lives in the fairy fort of Lios Lurgain in the World of the Sí. As she learns about the World of the...
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Éalú as an Lios
Aoife Ní Dhufaigh€7.50Luisne is a young fairy who lives in the fairy fort of Lios Lurgain in the World of the Sí. As she learns about the World of the...
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Máire Uí Dhufaigh€12.00Raic: On Leic Island off the Atlantic coast of Ireland, Caitriona's only worry is how she and her friends will spend the long school summer holidays ahead of...
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Tóraíocht Eile
Hugo Pratt€7.50A graphic novel in the series 'Corto Maltese'. Corto and his friend, the Danakil warrior Cuis are travelling in Abbysinia in the Horn of Africa. They visit Cuis's...
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Fear an Mhála
Enric Lluch€7.50The Bag Man's life is a difficult one these days. It isn't easy to scare children any more. Not only that, but most of them are too skinny...
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An Vaimpír
Enric Lluch€7.50An Vaimpír: Ladaslás the vampire is hungry. But his teeth are blunt, and he can't bite anyone. It's not easy being a vampire! This playfully spooky book invites...
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An Zombaí
Enric Lluch€7.50An Zombaí: It's not easy to find a good zombie. The wizard was looking for a zombie for the big zombie competition, but guess what kind of zombie...
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Ollphéist an tSléibhe
Marc Cantin€7.50'The red feather will lead you to the serpent,' he said in a whisper. The yellow feather will make you small, and you will tie the black feather...
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Cara Nua
Marc Cantin€7.50'Níotú saw something that put the game out of his mind. A young racoon was lying under the tree, almost hidden by the leaves. The animal raised its...
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An Sealgaire Mór!
Marc Cantin€7.50An illustrated novel in the 'Níotú' series for the 7+ about a little red indian and his friends. 'To make new shoes, I'll need animal hides,' said the...
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San Ochtapas Dubh
Alain Surget€7.50Louise Bheag and Benjamin have crossed the Atlantic in search of their father, the infamous pirate Captain Roc, and finally, after sailing across the Caribeen Sea, they free...
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San Ionsaí ar Veracruz
Alain Surget€6.00Louise Bheag and Benjamin have crossed the Atlantic in search of their father, and finally, after sailing across the Caribeen Sea, they finally come upon their father, Captain...
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Ór na Péiste
Alain Surget€7.50Louise Bheag and Benjamin reach the Mexican coast, where they hear their father is searching for Inca gold But all is not what it seems! Before long the...
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Port na Farraige Goirt
Hugo Pratt€12.00A graphic novel for adult and young adult readers: 1914, somewhere in the southwestern Pacific, Captain Rasputin’s sailing boat comes upon a man strapped to a raft adrift in...
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Madra Mor Crosta
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Jeaic has a pet dog. called Lúlú. Lúlú is always trying to get into the house, and Mamaí is always shooing him out again. If that isn't bad...
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Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Jeaic has a pet dog. called Lúlú. Lúlú is always trying to get into the house, and Mamaí is always shooing him out again. If that isn't bad...
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Plandaí Ocracha
Paul Thiés€7.50The pirate ship An Bolg Lán is under attack by monstrously huge plants and the Plúr family is in trouble. Cleite and his friends must stop the deadly...
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Mistéir ar Bord
Paul Thiés€7.5048 pages; paperback; ISBN 978 0 898332 79 7 A novel in the series 'Cleite' for the 7+ age group. Cleite's father and mother are always fighting. His...
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Rún na Seacht gCloigne
Paul Thiés€7.50Cleite's father and mother are always fighting. His friend, Crúca Beag, advises Cleite to go in search of a treasure on the Island of the Seven Heads. 'If...
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An Phluais
Enric Lluch€5.97There is a cave in the mountain. To frighten him, the other children tell Dónall that something is living in the cave. Might they be right? An Phluais...
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Ag an gCarnabhal
Enric Lluch€5.97Alastar sees lots of nice things at the carnival. But he can't have them all. Or can he? Ag an gCarnabhal is a picture book in the 'Cosa...
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Fiacail Mháire
Enric Lluch€5.97Máire has lost a tooth, and she can't ?nd it anywhere. What will the tooth fairy do now? Fiacail Mháire is a picturebook in the 'Cosa Beaga' collection...
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Peadar Ó Cualáin€9.00Bithiúnaigh (Rascals), a fantasy novel for young teenagers. The Lorgaire, or Detective, and Big Mac Giolla ar two very different people. Although the Lorgaire is a little fellow, according to himself he...
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An Garda Cósta
Máire Ní Dhufaigh€9.00An Garda Cósta (The Coast Guard): On Leic Island off the Atlantic coast of Ireland, Caitriona's only worry is how she and her friends will spend the long...
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Bodach an Chóta Lachna
Darach Ó Scolaí€7.50Long ago, when the High King had his palace in Tara, he had a band of men called the Fiann. They were fine strong men who kept the...
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Oileán na Siorcanna
Alain Surget€7.50Louise Bheag and Benjamin are captured by the English Navy and held in a cell in Kingston in the island of Jamaica. They are helped to escape by...
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Long na dTaibhsí
Alain Surget€7.50Crossing the Atlantic Ocean on board Ordóg na Feirge in search of their father, Louise Bheag and Benjamin begin to learn to become sailors. And they are made to work hard! After...
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Éalú as Páras
Alain Surget€7.50Louise Bheag and Benjamin escape from the orphanage and head for the coast. There, they meet the infamous Black Beard, and another pirate who tells them that their...
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Sráid an Iarla: Sraith 3 Leabhar
Peadar Ó Cualáin€22.50Original price was: €22.50.€16.00Current price is: €16.00.Úrscéalta lán le mistéir na seansráideanna agus le draíocht na hóige atá sa tsraith 'Sráid an Iarla', agus iad scríofa i nGaeilge bhreá shimplí an Iarthair; feiliúnach do...
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Oileán na bPéarlaí
Paul Thiés€7.50Cleite has been naughty. For punishment, his father sent him to search for pearls. Fortunately, his friends, Crúca Beag and Péarla, accompany him to the Island of Pearls....
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Dóiteoir na Samhna
Darach Ó Scolaí€7.50One year, on Holloween night, a great monster came to Tara and put the High-King and all the court to sleep with his magical music. When they were...
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An Gabha agus an Bhean Rua
Peadar Ó Cualáin€7.50'The Blacksmith and the Red-Haired Woman' is a novel for 9-10 year-olds in the 'Earl's Street' series featuring the adventure-prone Mártan. Mártan befriends a freckled-faced girl who brings him to...
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Gairdín an Ollaimh
Peadar Ó Cualáin€7.50On a winter's evening as Mártan is returning home from school he sees a big ram in the middle of town. Following the ram, comes upon the Professor's...
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Mamó agus an Phearóid
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Another book in Máire Ní Ghallchobhair's series Lúsaí for the 6-8 years age-group, beautifully illustrated by artist Peter Donnelly. Lúsaí is a little girl full of fun and...
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Naomh Pádraig
Liam Mac Uistín€4.95One thousand six hundred years ago a young boy was brought to Ireland as a slave. He spent many lonely years herding pigs and sheep on Slieve Mish,...
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Ciúnas sa Leabharlann
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Another book in Máire Ní Ghallchobhair's series Lúsaí for the 6-8 years age-group, beautifully illustrated by artist Peter Donnelly. Lúsaí is a little girl full of fun and games. Grown-ups...
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Amadán Aibreáin
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Another book in Máire Ní Ghallchobhair's series Lúsaí for the 6-8 years age-group, beautifully illustrated by artist Peter Donnelly. Lúsaí is a little girl full of fun and...
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Níl Cead Snámh sa Loch
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Another book in Máire Ní Ghallchobhair's series Lúsaí for the 6-8 years age-group, beautifully illustrated by artist Peter Donnelly. Lúsaí is a little girl full of fun and...
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Cuairt ar an bhFeirm
Máire Ní Ghallchobhair€7.50Lúsaí's class are brought on a trip to the farm today. The bull in the field looks very lonely. Lúsaí opens the gate for him. The fun is...
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An Bradán Feasa
Darach Ó Scolaí€7.50Long ago, when the High-King of Ireland held court in Tara, he had a band of warriors called the Fianna. They were fine strong men who kept the...
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An Mac Tíre a Raibh Faitíos an Domhain Air
Orianne Lallemand€7.50Mac Tíre is frightened of his own shadow! All the other wolves laugh at him. He’s afraid he isn’t a proper wolf. In the end, Mac Tíre takes...
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An Mac Tíre Nach Raibh Sásta Siúl
Orianne Lallemande€7.50Mac Tíre the wolf doesn’t want to walk anymore! But if he won’t walk, how will he get about? Will he travel by car, by plane, or by...
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An Mac Tíre a Bhí sa Tóir ar an nGrá
Orianne Lallemande€7.50Poor Mac Tíre, nobody loves him. Spring is here and all the birds and the animals are going around lovingly in pairs. How will Mac Tíre find his...
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Macán ar Saoire
Orianne Lallemande€6.00Macán is a little wolf. Sometimes, he misbehaves, but he really is a good little wolf. He is learning from life from his Daddy and Mammy. In this...
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An Béirín Dána
Marc Cantin€7.50As night falls, Níotú comes upon bear tracks in the snow. The little Indian brave is sure the bear is in danger and he follows him through the...
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An Colúr Bacach
Enric Lluch€5.97Pigeons love to eat bread. But one pigeon has a sore foot, and isn't getting any bread to eat. Cáitín and Pól want to help him. An Colúr...
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